Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Facebook vs BBM

Facebook vs BBMRemember the days when phone numbers were written on paper and a guy would call you three days later? Good riddens. Online dating may be a revolutionary advancement for everybody`s current love lives, but it has nothing on the online chat sessions from BBMing and using Facebook.

Not everybody has BBM yet everyone (and their grandmothers) is on Facebook. So the question is, do you add that new cutie to your BBM or Facebook? Here are some helpful guidelines to better serve you:

1. BBM is simply just texting from your phone number. You can add a small status change about your life as well. If you add your crush on Facebook, they can stalk your life and possibly see things you forgot you had on your profile. Do you want to take that risk?

2. BBM is far more private. You can change your status and people will not feel inclined to bother you if you are online as ‘busy.` If you are on Facebook, you are basically available 24/7 unless you choose to go offline.

3. It is however harder to delete a BBM contact than unfriending a Facebook contact. It is also more noticeable on BBM because typically most people have less BBM contacts than Facebook friends.

The answer for which is better is up to you. I personally prefer BBM, because it`s far more intimate and personal. However, it`s really up to you at the end of the day. No matter what you choose, you will still enjoy chatting online with your crush on either one of these social media platforms.