Thursday, May 3, 2012

How To Deal With Online Flakes

How To Deal With Online FlakesThe older we get in life, we start to notice people have a lot less time to hang out like they used to. Have you ever met a person you liked and the only contact you can have with them in usually on online chat sessions?

Sure, it`s exciting to be attracted to a busy person who is driven and successful. However, after time, their flakiness can get the better of you and you can become very irritated over time. As easy as it would be, you can`t have a relationship solely in the online dating world. How can you tell if your crush will ever make time for you? It`s quite simple actually.

The reality is everybody is busy but if someone likes you, they will put in the EFFORT to see you. One can say the amount of effort put in is an attraction measurement tool. The more someone likes you, the more effort they will put it in. Plain and simple.

So is BBM this person`s only form of communication with you? Have they cancelled three or more times and have not once attempted to make new plans with you? Then stop contacting them immediately! If they really are into you, they will contact you first. Wait three to five days and if you haven`t heard from them, pretend they don`t exist.

Remember your time is valuable. Never waste it on somebody who doesn`t respect it.