Friday, May 25, 2012

Do You Take Your Ex Off Your BBM?

Do You Take Your Ex Off Your BBM?We all know that dating and Blackberry messenger should not go hand in hand. However, when have exchanged pins with someone you are in love with, what happens when you two break up?

You`re first instinct is probably to delete them off your BBM list. However, if you delete them from your list, you are also giving away your power. When an ex disappears off your Facebook list or BBM contacts, it`s most likely because you were hurt a great deal and seeing their name is just too much to deal with.

It`s hard to have an ex on BBM because it allows you easier access to contacting them more than texting and online chat rooms. Plus, it`s extra irritating knowing where your ex is when they keep exclaiming how much fun they are having partying with other singles on their BBM status.

If you can`t quite work up the courage of taking them off your list, you can make categories on your BBM friend list. Categorize your friends, lovers and exes under different sections, so you don`t constantly feel the urge to look at his or her status updates. And when the time comes to forgive and forget, you can always be able to contact them when you`re ready.

If you`re a little more jaded than that, then I would recommend changing their name to "DICK" or "Bitch" so you remind yourself why you shouldn`t contact them. Just a thought.

Happy BBMing!