Wednesday, May 23, 2012


ShiftsAs we age, our perceptions, preferences and desires tend to age and change right along with us. For some of us, the things that made us crazy with desire when we were young may not be the things that we will tend to seek out when we are older. At times we tend to forget the fact that Sex is not a static entity, but one that is always changing, shifting, adjusting and reshaping itself into something that is often entirely and completely different. Many men may have always loved the thought of big beautiful women, where some men may find it a preference that they either develop when they are older, or as a result of an encounter with a plus size woman that they find to be completely irresistible.

We can all think of someone that we thought was wildly attractive when we were younger that we would most probably not look twice at today, just as we can look at someone today that we find to be ridiculously sexy, even as we know that fifteen or twenty years ago we would not have considered them as any sort of option at all. Everything changes, and sex and our sexual preferences are most certainly no exception to this rule.

For many men, the thought of a very large woman is extremely erotic and enticing. They much prefer a female with a lot of flesh to enjoy and grab onto than being with someone who looks like they are crying out for a sandwich with some extra mayo. There are other men who think that they are only into very thin women until they meet some large woman who rocks their world and makes them reevaluate their previous thoughts on what they consider to be attractive. It is always best to simply keep our minds and our options open at all times so that we can enjoy all of the adventures that life will send our way.