Sunday, June 24, 2012

How to Get Your Ex Back Using Facebook

How to Get Your Ex Back Using FacebookSo you got your heart broken and you feel like your life just can`t go on. You`re too scared to go back on Facebook in fear of seeing on your newsfeed if your ex is indeed dating somebody else. Well buck up! After a recent breakup, you have only a small window of opportunity to make him or her come back to you and here are some helpful tips to help you get back the love of your life.

1. Change Your Relationship Status

As hard as it is to even fathom being single again, it is important to change your status immediately. You want to be the first person who does it and it will definitely sympathy points from your friends and unbridled attention from FB admirers. Your ex will definitely take notice of the potential bachelors and bachelorettes replying to your status change.

2. Post Envy-worthy Status Updates

It doesn`t matter if all you`re doing is sitting at home bawling while watching Notting Hill and drinking Neo-Citran in hopes of it knocking you out, you must make your ex think you are a better person without him or her. Don`t ever post updates of how you`re really feeling. Instead post updates about doing things you never did when you were together. If your ex wanted you to try yoga and you didn`t, post how you`re loving it. The trick is to make it sound as genuine as possible.

3. Chat with Friends and Sexy Admirers

Since your ex has access to your profile page, you want him or her to know you`re putting yourself out there. Leave ambiguous and flirty wall posts on people your ex was jealous of before. Online chat with your friends and plan outings on their walls. Make sure to keep your exchanges to a minimum. Make your ex wonder what you are doing when you`re not online.

4. Accept Event Invitations

It doesn`t matter if you don`t go to any, but accept as many fun event invitations you receive. You want your ex thinking you have all this free time to have fun and party.

5. Post Photos

By this point, if your ex is still very interested in you, they will be aching to contact you and that is when you unleash your coup de grace…posting sexy photos of you and your friends hanging out. Avoid clubs and choose lounges to showcase your killer new hairdo and outfit and see how long it takes for your ex to leave a comment on your photos. Even if they hit the ‘like` button, your plan is working.

By following these guidelines and by disciplining yourself from contacting your ex, you will have him or her back in your arms in no time.