Monday, June 25, 2012

Proper BBM Chat Etiquette

Proper BBM Chat EtiquetteOnline chat rooms have been scarce lately because it seems like everybody is improving their dating lives with their blackberries. However, just like facebook chat and chat rooms, there is an etiquette to follow.BBMing has now turned into a sensation of its own with rules and that if not applied can get lost in translation. Now liveprofile has taken over and it allows all types of smart phones to talk together at the same time. *Shudder*

Things One Needs to Consider when BBMing

So, you`ve been pinged. How long should you take to respond?

Response Time
Some people are honestly too busy and don’t have their blackberry attached to their hip like others. Patience is a virtue use must use before creating a fight with the other BBM user. He and or she will eventually message you back because they know you know they`ve seen your BBM message.

Contact List
Do I speak to the contact daily, weekly, monthly, or rarely ever? Just like Facebook, you will be amazed by how many people you don`t talk to on a regular basis. You even forget that you have some of them still on your contact list. It`s perfectly acceptable to do a BBM clean up from time to time. If the other person is upset that you deleted them off your contact list, just tell them that BBM messaging goes both ways. It`s not high school anymore. Keep your BBM contact list low.

Respecting Online BBM Status

Unless it`s an emergency, it`s best to not contact BBM users that say they`re unavailable or busy on their BBM status. It`s rude and annoying if you ignore their statuses. You may be the reason why BBM users put their status as busy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.