Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hardcore Youth

Hardcore YouthWhen most people log onto the XXX personals for the first time, they usually do not quite know what to expect at first. After all, it is a fairly recent phenomenon and a lot of people are still getting their feet wet in the scene. But one would probably expect to see men and women of a certain age on these sites. Mid twenties at least, but more so in their thirties and forties, people who are experienced with sex and are after more explicit adventures. So it is often striking to many people to see how young so many people are on the XXX personals. They look like kids. They practically are kids, actually.

For many youth people today, all they know is the internet world. Their whole lives have been ruled by the world wide web and its gradual total breaking down of sexual taboos. Nothing shocks these kids and nothing seems particularly off limits to them like it would have to earlier generations. As soon as they turn eighteen and can legally sign on to many of these sites, they are totally on there. They are often still in their senior year of high school. For sure a lot of college students roam the XXX personals. And these younger folks often can teach older people a thing or four about sexuality, to boot.

Younger people today are rather blase about hookups on the internet. They are often horny and just seeking some quick sex. It is often the older people who come onto the XXX personals more emotionally needy. Striking a match between these younger kids and older folks in their thirties and forties is often one of the hotter scenarios on these sites. The disparity in age always makes for a good time on both ends. So do not be so stunned the next time you spy someone on the XXX personals who looks too young to shave. They are barely legal but very dirty minded.