Monday, May 14, 2012

News Roundup: Do Men with Accents Have an Edge in Dating?

News Roundup: Do Men with Accents Have an Edge in Dating?The other week, an astute reader sent us a CNN piece called “Do Men with Accents Have an Edge in Dating?”

It took us a while to wrap our heads around this report (and also our office blocks streaming video), but we finally worked from home gave it some thought, and here’s what we came up with.

First of all, to answer the (obvious) question posed in the title, the answer is, duh. Any guy who finds himself outside of his region of birth will tell you he’s never had an easier time getting in girls’ pants. One of the guys CNN “interviewed” basically said just that: he explained that women on the street will just come up to him and say, “I’ve always wanted to be with an Aussie,” and if they’re lucky, they’ll get their wish.

But CNN redefined investigative journalism with this one: they went to a speed dating event open only to “men with accents and women who loved them.” (But there didn’t seem to be any men with Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. accents.)

When the reporter asks the organizer if speed dating works she pauses and then says, “Of course! Because chemistry is instant.”

This has to be the dumbest justification for speed dating that we’ve ever heard. If we had to market speed dating, we’d focus on the fact that it’s hard to meet men. And when you do meet them, there’s always something wrong with them. If you can meet 10 men in 30 minutes, your chances of success increase.

The problem is that speed dating (like paid dating sites) tend to attract women who are desperate for a relationship and men who are all too happy to milk that desperation for a few easy blowjobs.

And this really comes out in these women. The reporter (who’s significantly less attractive than all of the women he interviews) jokingly tells one women, “OK, we’re dating.” Her response: “Where are you taking me tonight?” Followed by: “Are you married?”

A confident, self-assured woman would probably say something more along the lines of, “Well, we’ll see about that,” and then flash a playful smile so we’d know she was in on the joke.

But let’s get back to the title question, which the report makes no attempts to answer.

Men with accents know they have an edge in dating. When a group of British guys approach a group of American girls in a bar, they’ve done it a million times before, and they know what kind of reaction they’ll get. The girls will giggle and ask them to say certain phrases and generally throw themselves at these men, seemingly oblivious to the situation at hand.

If an Irish guy tells you he’s been here for three months (or even three days!), do you really think you’re the first one who’s noticed his accent?

When men with “sexy” accents approach you in bars, be wary.

But if we’re talking about dating, asking if men with accents have it easier is like asking if men with freckles have better relationships. Once you get past the accent, it has a lot more to do with the person.