Monday, May 14, 2012

Is It Love Or Lust?

Is It Love Or Lust?You’ve met someone great on an online personals site. The two of you really seem to be hitting it off and by each passing day, you are falling more and more in love. But, how do you know if it is truly love or if you feelings in the relationship are just a temporary attraction?

They said that in a lifetime, the average person falls in love at least four times, but let’s be honest, is it really love? Here is a list of signs to be aware of before you decide that the person you’re dating is the one:

1. Communication:
Being honest with each other in a relationship is probably the most important aspect in a relationship and it also allows for you to know the person for who he or she really is.

Good signs:
• You can easily talk about your life issues such as finances, things that frighten you and each other’s ambitions in life.
• You can argue and come to a compromise.
• You are open and honest about your feelings.

Warning Signs:
• You only know a few things about him and you’re afraid to ask him in depth questions about his life for the fear of rejection or the fear of what you might find out.
• You don’t discuss how you are feeling with each other and this leads to frustration which builds and then causes resentment.
• Neither of you if willing to forgive.

2. Love
A long lasting relationship cannot survive without love. So, you need to find out for yourself if it is actually love, or if it is just lust.

Good signs:
• If a crisis occurs, you stand by each other.
• You make sacrifices to make the other person happy.
• You are truthful and honest and you don’t keep secrets from each other.
• You are compatible in every way.
• You are friends and lovers.

After you’re done reading this and you realize that you either fit in the category where there are good signs, or bad signs, it will give you the tools to make some serious decisions about your relationship.