Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How To Avoid Drama Online

How To Avoid Drama OnlineThe more and more ways we are able to communicate and have online chat sessions with friends and lovers on social media networks and instant messengers, the more drama we tend to invite into our lives. With Facebook, Google+ and Twitter pulling at our heart strings and our overly needy or sensitive friends and significant others constantly jumping to horrible conclusions, how we can avoid becoming drama queens and kings ourselves?

Let`s face it: life is always more interesting when drama and gossip is going around. However, what would it be like with no drama online? We would never be lost in translation, over analyzing tweets and IMs, etc.

Although it is hard to avoid drama online, there are ways of eliminating it for yourself and your well-being.

Never Encourage Drama in the First Place-Sure, a little gossip can brighten up your day. If it didn`t, we wouldn`t care about celebrities so much. It`s best to control your gossiping and to not blow things out of proportion.

Avoid Drama Whenever You Can- Never put your personal dramas and relationship woes online for all to see. Believe me, it will bite you in the ass sooner or later.

Do Not Participate in Drama- Do not gossip about your friends or your lovers over group BBM sessions with people. Especially don`t join in when the drama does not involve you, because sooner or later, it will.

It`s not as hard as you think it is to diffuse these dramatic problems from your personal and online life. Focus on what matters in your world and you will do just fine.